All photos copyright to Mr David lindsay
Rhodri Mawr 26.01.1980
Brian Boroime 3-2 1983, Sea Freightliner 14.7.1983
Guernsey Fisher 13 – 11 – 1978
My photos of container trains at holyhead, I have other trains by Pat Webb who hs agreed for me to use. Acknowledgement is shown on photos.
Class 25 – 25265 with headcode 3TGO awaiting turn to shunt freightliner wagons loco. Withdrawn from service 3 days later hence unusual headcode. 11/3/1987
Class 08 – 08840 one of the shunting locos used to place the wagons where required. Note Sealink offices in the background – 30/3/1990
Class 47 -47365 awaiting departure on 17.05 to Crew. 25/5/1988
A good shot showing storage sidings and on right maintenance sidings Class 47 – 474 awaiting departure after it picks up more wagons from the cranes. 7/6/1990
Accidents happen. This was not a result of speeding – that was impossible here. Slow speed is worse for liquid moving in a container upsetting the balance. 6/1/1967
The result of the end panel of the container not being properly secured. 28/4/1988
As the end panel had not been secured it broke making conventional lifting impossible, so this was how that was dealt with. 24/8/1988
No matter the size – empty boxes give strong wind a lot of fun as is seen here. 10/2/1981
Empty boxes and strong winds are a bad mix. The container was originally stacked on the second row from the right. 14/2/1989
The container was loading in a non celluler ship and during rough seas was thrown around despite being beside other containers. The damage is all apparent, it was chain lifted onto a large flatbed container in order to get it out of the ship. 27/1/1998
Hold of the MV Waultraud showing the damage caused by rough seas to the containers which were thrown around during the journey from Dublin. 27/1/1979/8
All photos copyright to Mr. David Lindsay
Some of the staff at the Terminal.
? means I do not know their name.
Back Row Ernest Williams Dick Lewis? John Owen Terry Roberts
Front two? Russel Jones Jack Williams Albert Hughes?
Back Row ? John Hodgkinson ? Eric GHuile ? ? ? ? ? Peter Jones ? ? ? Derek edwards
Click on Picture for name
Excellent photo of the terminal working. Operations were mostly at night 12 – 1 – 1986 photo taken by Mr Pat Webb (Copyright)